Feb 13, 2008

Welcome to Our Class Forum!

Hi All! Here's an easy way for you to comment on your classmate's images, ask a question, or just say "Hi". Just click on the "Post a Comment" link below and share with the class. The newest comments appear at the bottom. If you use the anonymous button, put your name in your comment if you want people to know it's from you. OK, have fun! ~B

Please visit our website http://bobsintrotoblackandwhite.googlepages.com/home


Anonymous said...

Our first class cancelled because of bad weather. Welcome to New Engand!

Anonymous said...

Sunny Days: For most photos it's best to keep the sun behind you. If however, the sun is actually behind your subject, move in as close as you can get to your subject to take your meter reading and then back up again, re-focus, re-compose, and squeeze the shutter. You have to be mindful of what your meter is seeing. It's like moving it up from the table to the ceiling light; you should get used to seeing how your meter is going to respond to different lighting situations.

Anonymous said...

Snow Scenes: If you're photographing a scene with a lot of white in it, you should make a change to your usual metering step. After you set the correct exposure, open up your lens at least one stop. For example: if you're using f/8, open your lens up to f/5.6, or even f/4 if you have a lot of snow in the scene. If you want your snow to come out white, this is necessary. Your meter is designed to average everything to gray, which is fine for most scenes, but show should be white, not gray. Let me know if this is confusing.

Anonymous said...

This class is awesome!

Anonymous said...

I really, really liked the video that was posted this week. The only photographer I knew was Diane Arbus (and I really, really like her work a lot) but it was all so inspiring!

Anonymous said...

p.s. Diane's biography was really interesting. c:

Anonymous said...

So I'm back to harass your new students...
Hey guys, I look forward to seeing what you can produce as a group. Some of the negatives looked really cool. Have fun! ^-^